Tara 604.836.8043

Marc 778.688.1397

  1. BulletOur training kit consists of disabled rifles, shotguns, revolvers and semi automatic handguns purchased specifically for the course to represent typical firearms you may use in an employment or recreational context.  We also use various other instructional tools such as a model trigger group, choke tubes, adjustable choke, pinned magazine, deactivated ammunition, cleaning kits, safety equipment and other such tools.

  1. BulletThough the firearms in the training kit are subject to rotation the kit generally contains:

Training Kit

12 GA

12 GA










Pump action shotgun

Break action shotgun

Bolt action rifle 

Lever action rifle

Semi automatic rifle

Semi automatic rifle

Single action revolver

Double action revolver

Double action only revolver

Single action pistol

Double action pistol

  1. BulletAll of the firearms in the training kit are disabled, none can fire live ammunition.

  2. BulletNo live ammunition is used in the CORE and Canadian Firearms Safety Courses.

Contact us

Copyright 2022

  1. BulletWe can bring the course to you: tables, chairs, screen, projector, training kit...  You provide the space, we provide the training.