CORE - Conservation & Outdoor Recreation Education.

  1. BulletOn completion of this course participations may apply for their BC Resident Hunter Number which is used obtain a hunting license in B.C.

  2. BulletThe CORE course includes written and practical examinations.

  3. BulletPlease note that a firearms Possession Acquisition License (PAL) is needed to purchase or possess a firearm (independent of a hunting license).

  1. BulletTopics

  2. BulletConservation;

  3. BulletEthics;

  4. BulletLaws and Regulations;

  5. BulletFirst Aid

  6. BulletOutdoor Safety and Survival;

  7. BulletFirearms Safety;

  8. BulletAnimal Identification;

  9. BulletBird Identification; and,

  10. BulletFreshwater Fisheries

Non-restricted and Restricted Canadian Firearms Safety Courses.

  1. BulletThese courses are part of firearms Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) and Restricted Possession and Acquisition License (RPAL) application process. 

  2. BulletBoth courses include written and practical examinations. 

  3. BulletA firearms license also permits the ownership of body armour Act in BC.

  4. BulletA youth aged 12 to 17, with parental consent, is able to obtain a youth license.  A youth license permits the possession of non-restricted firearms and purchase of ammunition.

  5. BulletPlease note that in addition to an RPAL, a short term and/or long term Authorization to Transport is required to transport restricted firearms.

  1. BulletTopics

  2. Bulletthe evolution of firearms, major parts, types and actions;

  3. Bulletbasic firearms safety practices;

  4. Bulletammunition;

  5. Bulletoperating firearm actions;

  6. Bulletsafe handling and carry procedures;

  7. Bulletfiring techniques and procedures;

  8. Bulletcare of firearms;

  9. Bulletresponsibilities of the firearms owner/user; and,

  10. Bulletsafe storage, display, transportation and handling of firearms.

An introduction to firearms safety, handling, storage, and regulations (non-licensing).

  1. BulletThis course is oriented towards community groups and youth and provides an overview of safe firearms handling, storage and relevant legislation but does not meet PAL or RPAL licensing requirements. 

Custom Courses / Ladies / Youth Only

We are also pleased to customize courses to suit you or your organization whether to provide an overview of firearms safety, firearms regulations or the Canadian Firearms Safety Course:

  1. BulletLadies only instruction (including the instructor)

  2. BulletYouth instruction

  3. BulletCommunity groups

Please discuss your youth or community program with us as we may be willing to participate at a reduced rate or on a volunteer basis.

  1. BulletThough we provide the opportunity to challenge the CORE Exam exam we strongly recommend the complete CORE course.  Feedback from students suggests that the CORE Course provides knowledge and training that is more accurate and broader than informal training from well-intentioned family or friends.

  2. BulletExam challenges include a written and practical components that include all modern types of actions.

CORE Exam Challenges

Our Courses

Copyright 2022

Contact us

We will bring the following courses to you or book a venue at a convenient location in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.

Tara 604.836.8043

Marc 778.688.1397